MomUp Careers
The Online Resource To Prepare You For The New Workforce
Learn from industry professionals about what it takes for moms to successfully reenter a new workforce reality.
Feeling lost? Start envisioning the life you want now. Actionable steps and deep dive resources to help you assess your real goals.
Worksheet PREP: Self Reflection
Launching a new career: Move through the following steps strategically to assess your next career move.
Worksheet PREP: Career Reflection
Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters, & personal pitches. Your basic arsenal of job search must haves.
Workshop: Intention Setting
Gain clarity to manifest what you want. Get clear on your "why." What lights you up?
Workshop Defining Personal Values
How do you decide which career direction to take? Define and honor your values.
Workshop Empower Yourself
How to build confidence and “courage muscles” for new ventures.
Workshop Finding Your Career Sweetspot
What is your career sweet spot? Finding out may open your eyes to new career paths.
Workshop Wheel of Life
Bring balance back into your life with this incredible exercise.