The CatchUp

This month’s CatchUp is with our superstar mom, Emily, who is the Marketing Director for a data analytics company.

Alright, Emily, six questions for you and GO…

1. What excites and inspires you about your work?

I truly believe that my work is mission-driven, whether I am working for a non-profit, social enterprise, small business, or corporation. My job is to inspire and educate organizations and their leaders to be more discoverable, shareable, and memorable. Strong communications helps organizations engage their audiences and drive revenue growth. And it can do even more—keep people engaged in your mission, change the conversation in your field, and provide real value for your followers.

2. Proudest Work Moment

It is hard to choose a single moment. In general, I am most proud when I see a project through from start to finish, and know that I have created something good (preferably real good). I am so proud to have helped launch the businesses of several women entrepreneurs (including myself), telling their unique stories through design and messaging.

3. Hardest Work Moment

My hardest moment was when I decided to leave my full-time job and branch out on my own. I left behind beloved co-workers, an organization doing great work for students across the country, and the stability of a bi-monthly paycheck. And, most days, I don’t regret my decision at all.

4. Suggestions for balancing home and work

Well, this question takes on a whole new meaning now! The primary reason I left my full-time job was to try to achieve more work-life balance. As a contract worker, my main goals are to be there for my kids when they wake up and then when they are done with school, to make a healthy dinner, and to exercise (most days of the week). If I hit my goals, then I feel balanced. If not, then I have some shifting to do.

5. You rock interviews…what are your best interviewing tips?

I am an overpreparer so I always do a ton of research before an interview and type up detailed notes and talking points. During the interview, I focus as much on what I am saying as what the interviewer is saying. I try to repeat some of the points that the interviewer has said, to show that I am a good listener and that I can respond to their needs. Lastly, I am always myself. If they don’t like me as me then so be it.

6. What advice do you have about working successfully on a remote team?

Communication is always an integral piece of teamwork and remote working adds a little bit of complexity, but nothing that can’t be solved. I email my clients regularly (and aim for a very fast response time), use collaboration tools such as Drive, Trello, Teams and Slack, and have weekly client check-ins to touch base and discuss any project work or deliverables. When in doubt, over-communicate.

BONUS QUESTION – How did MomUp help you?

Mom up provides a wonderful platform for people like me who are seeking more work-life balance. Reem at MomUp took the time to really get to know me and looked for work opportunities that fit my skills and allowed me to excel. And she wasn’t looking to just close the deal, she worked towards creating a partnership that was mutually beneficial for me and the company.