by Reem Papageorgiou | December 6, 2022
Top 5 Recruiting Strategies for the New Year
If your organization has big plans for the new year, you’re likely getting ready to ramp up your recruiting game to ensure you have the best staff that will help you reach those goals. During this time of year where many professionals are seeking new careers, it’s an excellent opportunity for you to attract and acquire top talent.
Keep reading to find out the best tips for guaranteeing success in your hiring goals for this upcoming year.
Revamp Your Job Descriptions
A new year is the perfect time to look at your job descriptions with a fresh perspective, especially if they’re for positions that have been open for a while. If you’re not receiving many applications, there are a variety of reasons why that could be so, but one of them is likely the job description. This component is one of the first pieces that will attract job seekers and encourage them to apply, so if it’s something that isn’t enticing enough for them, you have a missed opportunity of increasing your talent pool.
How can you make your job descriptions more appealing?
- Look at descriptions for similar positions at other companies for inspiration.
- Make the job description about the applicant by showcasing all of the exciting things they would get if they landed the job instead of focusing more on the company, therefore making it more about them and less about you.
- Revisit your benefits to ensure they’re aligned with what job seekers desire.
It’s helpful to share this description with another set of eyes to gather ideas that you might not have thought of or pick up on something you might have missed.
Prioritize Flexibility at Your Company
If you haven’t yet made flexibility a priority for the benefits you offer, it should absolutely be a part of your job descriptions. Now more than ever, candidates are seeking career opportunities that allow for flexibility, helping them to accommodate their lifestyle and reach their work/life balance goals.
Although remote work is one of the most popular forms of flexible work, it’s not the only one. Other examples, according to Indeed, include:
- Flex time, working a full 8 hours but at different points throughout the day instead of the typical 9 am - 5 pm window
- Reduced hours or part-time, if applicable
- Compressed work week, allowing for a 4-day or even 3-day work week
- Job sharing with other staff
- Unlimited paid time off
How does this benefit you as an employer? You’re preventing your employees from reaching burnout and allowing them to work during their most productive times, increasing employee retention and providing greater results for their work.
This all plays into your organization’s culture, which many job seekers prioritize in their search.
Hire a Recruiting Company
The recruiting and hiring process can be extremely time-consuming if you don’t have a dedicated internal recruiter within your organization who would be able to spearhead this process. Rather than pulling in staff members to assist with this project and taking them away from their current workload during one of the busiest times of the year, consider hiring a recruiting firm who would be able to execute this for you.
Benefits of working with an external professional include:
- Saving you time and money
- Getting access to their expertise
- Leveraging their current network
- Ensuring the process isn’t biased
And more. If you would like to ensure that you’re attracting the best possible candidates for your open positions, hiring a third party to manage this for you is the most efficient way to go.
Offer a Referral Program
Who doesn’t love getting rewarded? Implementing a referral program that offers some type of incentive to anyone who sends a new hire your way is a great way to tap into other people’s networks and ultimately get them to do the work for you, helping you to increase the pool of candidates you might receive. If a new employee joins your company based on the recommendation and referral of a personal connection, they already have a sense of who you are and what you do and are therefore more likely to be retained and provide more value.
Your referral program can consist of money, prizes, trips, or something else — focus on whatever makes the most sense to you and would be the most appealing to your employees.
Leverage the Power of Social Media
Although candidates may apply for an open position because they found out about it through a job search site or a recruiter, they will likely refer to your social media accounts to learn more about the company, its culture, and its values to ensure that it would be the right fit for them. Use your social media profiles to showcase your staff, highlight the work that you do, prove your values and mission, and more to attract the right candidates.
Additionally, you can share open positions on your social media profiles that can bring in more applicants than what you initially expected, just by having a bigger reach.
By following these strategies and bringing in the right people to support you, you can achieve your recruiting goals for the new year and beyond! Learn how MomUp helps companies just like yours.